• Joined on 2024-01-03
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ayrton pushed to ayrton/cli at ayrton/CMPUT_415_tester

2024-01-12 08:25:17 +00:00

ayrton created branch ayrton/cli in ayrton/CMPUT_415_tester

2024-01-12 08:09:14 +00:00

ayrton pushed to ayrton/cli at ayrton/CMPUT_415_tester

2024-01-12 08:09:14 +00:00

ayrton created branch main in ayrton/CMPUT_415_tester

2024-01-12 05:49:36 +00:00

ayrton pushed to main at ayrton/CMPUT_415_tester

2024-01-12 05:49:36 +00:00

ayrton created repository ayrton/CMPUT_415_tester

2024-01-12 05:45:42 +00:00

ayrton created branch ayrton/python-parse in Oliver/tree-of-life

2024-01-12 01:58:54 +00:00

ayrton pushed to ayrton/python-parse at Oliver/tree-of-life

2024-01-12 01:58:54 +00:00

ayrton deleted branch gitignore from Oliver/tree-of-life

2024-01-12 01:57:48 +00:00

ayrton pushed to main at Oliver/tree-of-life

2024-01-12 01:57:43 +00:00

ayrton merged pull request Oliver/tree-of-life#2

Added Gitignore

2024-01-12 01:57:42 +00:00

ayrton created pull request Oliver/tree-of-life#2

Added Gitignore

2024-01-12 01:57:35 +00:00

ayrton created branch gitignore in Oliver/tree-of-life

2024-01-12 01:57:24 +00:00

ayrton pushed to gitignore at Oliver/tree-of-life

2024-01-12 01:57:24 +00:00

ayrton deleted branch ayrton/ci from Oliver/tree-of-life

2024-01-12 01:56:03 +00:00

ayrton pushed to main at Oliver/tree-of-life

2024-01-12 01:55:54 +00:00

ayrton merged pull request Oliver/tree-of-life#1

Added CI/CD

2024-01-12 01:55:53 +00:00

ayrton created pull request Oliver/tree-of-life#1

Added CI/CD

2024-01-11 23:44:28 +00:00

ayrton pushed to ayrton/ci at Oliver/tree-of-life

2024-01-11 23:40:04 +00:00

ayrton created branch ayrton/ci in Oliver/tree-of-life

2024-01-11 23:36:44 +00:00